Table of Contents
Susan Weber
Introduction: The Royal Road
Jurgen Julier
The Cultural Landscape of Berlin
Theodore Ziolkowski
Romantic Gardens in Potsdam
Clemens Alexander Wimmer and Kimerly Rorschach
The Origins of the Royal Porcelain Manufactory
Winfried Baer
Veduta Painting on Porcelain in the Eighteenth- Century
Winfried Baer
Veduta Painting at the Royal Porcelain Factory Berlin (KPM)
after 1786
Winfried Baer
The Pinnacle of Achievement: Veduta Painting on Porcelain at
the Royal Porcelain Manufactory Berlin (KPM). 1832-1848
Isle Baer
Diplomatic Gifts of Porcelain: Objects of Prestige
Guy Walton
Catalogue of the Exhibition
Derek E. Ostergard and Marlise Hoff
Checklist of the Exhibition