Table of Contents
Introduction: Making and Knowing
Harold J. Cook, Pamela H. Smith, and Amy R.W. Meyers
1. Making as Knowing: Craft as Natural Philosophy
Pamela H. Smith
2. From Skills to Wisdom: Making, Knowing and the Arts
Suzanne B. Butters
3. Between Trade and Science: Dyeing and Knowing in the Long Eighteenth-Century
Alicia Weisberg-Roberts
4. How to Cure the Golden Vein: Medical Remedies as Wissenschaft in Renaissance Germany
Alisha Rankin
5. Evidence, Artisan Experience and Authority in Early Modern England
Patrick Wallis and Catherine Wright
6. American Roots: Technologies of Plant Transportation and Cultivation in the early Atlantic World
Mark Laird and Karen Bridgman
7. Inside the Box: John Bartram and the Science and Commerce of the Transatlantic Plant Trade
Joel Fry
8. From Plant to Page: Aesthetics and Objectivity in a nineteenth-century Book of Trees
Lisa Ford
9. The Labor of Division: Cabinetmaking and the Production of Knowledge
Glenn Adamson
10. Making Lists: Social and Material Technologies in the Making of Seventeenth-century British Natural History
Elizabeth Yale
11. The Preservation of Specimens and the Take-Off in Anatomical Knowledge in the Early Modern Period
Harold J. Cook
12. Conrad Gessner on an ‘ad vivum’ image
Sachiko Kusukawa
13. Corals versus Trees. Charles Darwin´s Early Sketches of Evolution
Horst Bredekamp
14. Decaying objects and the making of meaning in Museums
Mary M. Brooks
Malcolm Baker