Table of Contents
Susan Weber
Thomas P. Campbell
Nicole Hoentschel
Editor’s Acknowledgement
Editor’s Note and Catalogue Contributors
Deborah L. Krohn
Chapter 1. The Hoentschel Collection Comes to New York
Daniëlle Kisluk-Grosheide
Chapter 2. Georges Hoentschel and His World
Daniëlle Kisluk-Grosheide and Ulirch Leben
Chapter 3. Interiors by Georges Hoentschel: Salvaging Fragments of
a Lost World
Ulrich Leben
Chapter 4. Cataloguing Hoentschel in Word and Image
Deborah L. Krohn
Eighteenth-Century Collection
Catalogue Numbers 1-127
Chapter 5. Hoentschel’s Gothic Importance
Christine E. Brennan
Medieval Collection
Catalogue Numbers 128-162
Chapter 6. The Union Centrale des
Arts Décoratifs Pavilion, Art Nouveau, and the Fin de Siecle
Amy F. Ogata
Chapter 7. “All Beautiful in Form and Delicious in
Color”: Hoentschel and Ceramics
Daniëlle Kisluk-Grosheide
Circa 1900
Catalogue Numbers 163-202
Maison Leys Inventory, 1887
Maison Leys Client List, 1887
Maison Leys Inventory, 1892
Maison Leys Client List, 1892
Steiglitz Museum Commission, 1901
“Georges Hoentschel by Arsène Alexandre,
Photographic Credits