"The Andokides Painter and Greek Carpentry," in Andrew Clark and Jasper Gaunt, eds., Essays in Honor of Dietrich von Bothmer (2002).
The Andokides Painter and his role in the development of the Attic red-figure technique have been of compelling interest to students of Greek vase-painting for over a century. The corpus of vases with decoration attributed to the Andokides Painter has long been the subject of debate, with discussion revolving around the identity of the artist who decorated the black-figured sides of his bilingual vases. Since Adolf Furtwangler’s suggestion in 1904 that the red-figured and black-figured pictures on one of these vases might have been painted by two different artists, the question has persisted, perplexing generations of scholars, and remaining unresolved in the minds of many today. J.D. Beazley, after prolonged consideration, eventually decided that the black-figured sides were the work of a second painter, whom he had identified and named the Lysippides Painter and to whom a considerable corpus of black-figured vases had also been assigned.
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