Excavating the Empire City: An Introduction to the Historical Archaeology of New York City
This course will introduce students to the
historical archaeology of New York City and
to the material traces of the past that lie
beneath our feet. The course will begin with a
brief introduction to archaeological methods
and to the surprisingly rich history of
archaeological discoveries in a city so often
focused on the future. Then we will embark
upon a chronologically and thematically
organized survey of what historical
archaeological studies since the late 1970s
(most catalyzed by federal and local historic
preservation laws) have contributed to our
understanding of the city’s past, from
sixteenth-century colonial encounters to the
twentieth century. Along the way, we will
examine different approaches to interpreting
material evidence and its relationship to
written texts. We will also focus on what
archaeology can tell us about the
relationships between larger historical
trends or events (including changes to the
urban landscape) and the lives and agency of
people “on the ground,” especially those who
have been neglected or misrepresented in
written histories. Topics will include
colonization, slavery, urbanization and
infrastructure, health, middle-class
ideology, the intersection of class-, race-,
and gender-based discrimination,
immigration and acculturation, and identity
and community building. Class meetings will
be seminar style with student-led discussion
of assigned readings and opportunities to
view and handle artifacts. If possible, we will
also visit relevant museums and field sites.
Assignments will include an artifact report
and a research paper or project (on a topic of
your choice, and digital projects are
welcome), presentations, and leading class
discussion. There are no prerequisites, and
newcomers to archaeology are welcome. 3
credits. May satisfy the chronological
requirement, depending on the final project.