Medical Materialities
This course considers the importance of
materiality in healing practices in a broad range of cultures and time periods,
including our own. We will examine how perceptible bodily features, conditions,
and excretions have been used to diagnose and explain states of illness and
health, and the roles that the material and sensory qualities of substances and
treatments have played in healing. Readings will draw primarily from the fields
of medical anthropology, history of medicine, and material culture studies. The
course will be organized thematically. Topics will include the body; healers
and sufferers; folk and popular medicine; biomedicine; placebos; marketing of
medicines; new technologies (of monitoring, reproduction, and transplants); and
the impacts of material inequalities upon health. Class meetings will be
seminar style. Assignments will include a research paper or project on a topic
of your choice (digital projects are welcome), a presentation of your research
project, and leading class discussion. There are no prerequisites. 3 credits.