6 pm – reception
6:30 pm – 7:30 pm – lecture

Drawing connections between her own interpretive work and the historic corsets exhibited in Fashioning the Body: An Intimate History of the Silhouette, Camilla Huey will speak on the changing structural and functional forms of corsets, corset-making, materials, and methodologies. The artist will bring selected works from her 2013 exhibition at the Morris-Jumel Mansion, The Loves of Aaron Burr: Portraits in Corsetry & Binding, in which she paid homage to the women who surrounded and influenced this controversial Founding Father. Through material culture, ephemera, and texts, the artist invites the audience to follow both her archival research and her creative practice as she explores the portraits of nine 18th- and 19th-century women.

Camilla Huey, artist and couturiere, has exhibited her work at Bard Graduate Center and the Morris-Jumel Mansion in New York City.