This study day will explore the cultural and artistic traditions associated with the magnificent Chilkat chief’s robe, made from wool and cedar bark and central to Native American ceremony from Alaska to Vancouver Island. As she creates a new dance apron, master weaver Evelyn Vanderhoop will demonstrate the special weaving techniques and discuss the spiritual and social meaning of Chilkat robes. The day will conclude with a reception and screening of the film Gwishalaayt—The Spirit Wraps Around You, which features intimate portraits of weavers from the Tsimshian Nation of Alaska and British Columbia.

Evelyn Vanderhoop (Haida) is a master artist and weaver from Masset, Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands). She studied weaving with her mother, Delores Churchill, and with Cheryl Samuel, and she specializesin Naxiin weaving for chief’sceremonial regalia.

Registration is required to guarantee seating. To register, please call 212.501.3011 or e-mail [email protected]