In this conversation, art historian Aldona Jonaitis and artist Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas discuss the challenges and discoveries of research in historic collections, in relation to contemporary art production along the North Pacific Coast. They will consider how modern Native ceremony, diverse modes of artistic training, and current international art-world dynamics have shaped our approaches to understanding andinterpreting museum collections.

Aldona Jonaitis is an art historian who has published numerous books and articles on Northwest Coast Native Art. Her most recent publication, The Totem Pole: An Intercultural Biography, was coauthored with Aaron Glass.

Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas (Haida) is a visual artist and creator of the print cartoon Haida Manga. He originates from Delkatla, Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands).

Aaron Glass is an assistant professor at BGC.

Registration is required to guarantee seating. To register, please call 212.501.3011 or e-mail [email protected]