Design and bind your own journal! Kids and families work together using line, color, and shape to create a space to draw ideas and inspirations. In conjunction with the Center for Book Arts, teaching artist, Jennifer Verbit, brings the materials and techniques of book arts to all ages. Includes gallery admission, materials, and light refreshments.
Jennifer Verbit, while attending Alfred University, discovered painting and printmaking; and graduated with a BFA. Following college, at The Center for Book Arts, Jennifer has been studying the art of bookmaking for over ten years. She is experienced in teaching hands-on book arts skills to children, teens, adults and senior citizens! Additionally, at CBA, Jennifer has taught demos in Pop-Up cards at the bi-annual open house.
The Center for Book Arts is dedicated to exploring and cultivating contemporary aesthetic interpretations of the book as an art object, while preserving the traditional practices of the art of the book.
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