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Bard Graduate Center is an advanced graduate research institute in New York City dedicated to the cultural histories of the material world. Our MA and PhD degree programs, Gallery exhibitions, research initiatives, scholarly publications and public programs explore new ways of thinking about decorative arts, design history, and material culture.

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Applications for our MA program may be submitted until March 1, 2025

Department of Research Collections

BGC Affiliates

The library is open to BGC students, faculty, and staff during these hours:

Monday–Thursday: 8 am–10:45 pm 
Friday–Sunday: 8 am–9:45 pm

Outside Visitors

Outside visitors to the library must have a confirmed appointment during staffed hours. 


The BGC Department of Research Collections comprises the Library, Study Collection, and Archive, representing a comprehensive range of diverse research resources across a range of media in support of the advanced scholarly study of material culture. Bringing these three entities together aligns the institution’s collection with its approach to research, which challenges traditional boundaries, centers the object, and emphasizes interdisciplinarity. To learn more about each facet of the DRC, click on the links below.

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With a book exhibition in our library, BGC joined the nationwide celebration of Latinx Heritage Month. We showcased books that honor the historical, cultural, and material contributions of American citizens with roots in Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. We featured the works of Latinx creators who proudly proclaim their culture; celebrate the past, present, and future of their community; and recognize its continuous strength in the face of adversity. This commemoration, from September 15 to October 15, corresponded to the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries like Costa Rica, Mexico, and Chile. We manifest our appreciation for the contributions of Latinx staff, faculty, and students to BGC; your daily presence and work brightens our community and immensely enriches our intellectual milieu.

Con una exhibición en la biblioteca, BGC se unió a la celebración nacional del mes de la herencia Latinx. Expusimos libros que honran las contribuciones históricas, culturales, y materiales de los ciudadanos americanos con raíces en España, México, el Caribe, y Centro y Sur América. Presentamos la obra de autores Latinos que proclaman con orgullo su cultura, celebran el pasado, presente, y futuro de su comunidad, y reconocen su fortaleza permanente frente a la adversidad. Esta conmemoración, que va desde septiembre 15 hasta octubre 15, corresponde con el aniversario de la independencia de países Latinoamericanos como Costa Rica, México, y Chile. Apreciamos profundamente las contribuciones del personal, facultad, y estudiantes latinos a BGC; su presencia y trabajo diario iluminan nuestra comunidad y enriquecen inmensamente nuestro ambiente intelectual.

This exhibition was researched and produced by BGC MA student Juliana Fagua-Arias, with help from the BGC Library Team.